For authors

Author Guidelines

Parts of the article

  1. First name and surname
  2. E-mail address
  3. Affiliation
  4. ORCID number of the author
  5. The article’s title in its original language
  6. The article’s title in English
  7. The article’s title in Polish
  8. Abstract in the original language of the article (800-900 printing signs) 
  9. Abstract in English (800-900 signs)
  10. Abstract in Polish (800-900 signs)
  11. Key words in the original language of the article (at least three)
  12. Key words in English (at least three)
  13. Key words in Polish (at least three)
  14. Bibliography

Editorial requirement:

  • text editor: Winword, font: Times New Roman, size 12
  • interline spacing: 1.5
  • margins: 2.5
  • subtitles (font: Times New Roman, size 12, bold, centered)
  • quotations shorter than 30 words should be marked by quotation marks (not italics) and remain a part of the text
  • quotation longer than 30 words should be made a separate part of the text by font Times New Roman, size 10, and one Tab margins on both sides (left/right)
  • reference to each quotation should be put in brackets after the period 
  • italics in the text should be used only for the titles of books, papers, short expressions in a foreign language and names


A reference should be indicated in brackets next to the information, opinion, view concerned in the following way:

  • (Brown, 2001) – when the reference is of general character and the work has one author
  • (Krashen, Terrel, 1998) – when the reference is of general character and the work has two authors
  • (Brown, 2001, p. 154) – in the case of quotation and the quoted work has one author
  • (Krashen, Terrel, 1998, pp. 89-90) – in the case of quotation and the quoted work has two authors
  • (Inquiry) – the first word of the title is given when reference is made to a publication where there is no mention of the author
  • explanatory notes should be placed at the bottom of the page.


Full bibliographical details should be attached at the end of the paper. The list of references should be ordered alphabetically by author. In the case of several publications by the same author in the same year, they should be ordered chronologically (using a small letter, e.g. 2001a, 2001b, 2001c).

Sample references:

Brah, A. (1996). Cartographies of Diaspora. London: Psychology Press.

Baden, A.L., Treweeke, L.M., Ahluwalia, M.K. (2012). “Reclaiming Culture: Reculturation of Transracial and International Adoptees”. In: Journal of Counseling & Development, vol. 90.

Cubitt, G. (1998). Introduction. In: G. Cubitt (ed.). Imagining Nations. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Mikułowski-Pomorski, J. (2016). Negocjowanie tożsamości zbiorowej w Europie., 10.12.2016.

Krasuski, K. (2009). Polish – American Relations”. Newsweek, 27.11.2009.

Tables, graphs and figures

  • each graph and table should bear a title (Times New Roman, bold, 10) and indicate its source (Time New Romans, 10); the title should be placed above the graph or table, and be followed by the source
  • each figure should bear a title (Times New Roman, bold, 10) and indicate its source (Time New Romans, 10); the title should be placed below the figure, and be followed by the source

Copy Rights

The Journal (L-C-P) is published on the basis of the Creative Commons license – Authorship confirmation at: The act of sending an article to be reviewed simultaneously means the author’s consent to the article’s publication on the basis of the license.


The very process of reviewing and publishing articles in Language, Culture, Politics: International Journal is free of charge

The procedure of articles submission

Articles should be sent to the following e-mail address: LCPIJOURNAL@YAHOO.COM

The text should be accompanied by a statement about the originality of the work and about the fact that the submitted text does not participate in any other publishing proceedings.