Deklaracja dostępności

Information on Ensuring Accessibility for Persons with Special Needs


The University College meets the conditions for ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs in the following areas:

1) Architectural Accessibility:

  • Ensuring mobility within the facilities, adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities: availability of elevators, wide corridors, bathrooms adapted for persons with disabilities, handrails on fire doors, safe evacuation routes, and clear navigation within the buildings.
  • Entrances to the facilities are well-lit, wide, and free of physical obstacles.
  • No off-road obstacles, availability of marked parking spaces, and lecture/laboratory halls with adequate space to allow free movement, including wheelchair access.
  • Adjustable lighting and sound systems.

2) Digital Accessibility:

Accessibility is ensured in terms of:

  • The subject page of the Public Information Bulletin (BIP), - Contact details of the entity and a link to the subject page in the BIP, - Contact tools (forms), - Accessibility declarations, mergency information, - Application of the principles outlined in WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

3) Information and Communication Accessibility:

  • Support from a person acting as the accessibility coordinator at the university,
  • The possibility of communication in another format, as indicated by the person with special needs (e-mail, SMS),
  • University College staff trained in working and communicating with persons with disabilities.


Use of Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts on the website:

Tab: Moves the focus (point of attention) to the next active element on the page (link, form).

Shift + Tab: Moves the focus to the previous active element on the page (link, form).

Enter: Activates links and buttons.

Ctrl + F: Quick search in text.